Corset Body Lift
After completing a significant weight loss journey, patients should be able to celebrate their achievements and new, healthier bodies. Unfortunately, many are left with loose skin and stubborn fat deposits that disrupt the toned, balanced body contour they have worked so hard for. Whether weight loss follows pregnancy or a lifestyle change, this can be discouraging for many. What’s more, traditional body contouring procedures can yield less-than-ideal results for these patients.
For these reasons, Dr. Moya at Lewisburg Plastic Surgery was inspired to design the Corset Body Lift. This is a specialized body lift procedure intended specifically for patients who are frustrated by loose skin and other body contour issues after a significant weight loss. Through the Corset Body Lift, patients can enjoy renewed confidence.
What is the Corset Body Lift?
The Corset Body Lift is a surgical body lift procedure designed by Dr. Moya in 2006. Through this procedure, Dr. Moya reshapes the upper and lower abdomen as well as the lower chest, upper back. This essentially combines techniques of an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) and lower body lift (circumferential belt lipectomy). Through his signature Corset Body Lift, Dr. Moya helps patients achieve the trim waistline they wish for without the unnecessary skin rolls or disproportionate results of abdominoplasty alone. Through the procedure, he can also often address issues like excessive stretch marks.
Find Out If Corset Body Lift Is Right For You
Through self-evaluation, patients may be able to determine whether they are a good candidate for a Corset Body Lift with Dr. Moya.
Benefits of the Corset Body Lift
The Corset Body Lift has many benefits compared to traditional body contouring options. These can include:
- Improvement in the appearance of the abdomen: reduced scarring, stretch marks, and more
- Full waistline improvement, with an hourglass figure for women and tapered torso for men
- Flattering foundation for additional procedures such as an arm lift, breast lift, or thigh lift
- Ability to enjoy the results of weight loss
- Improved ability to choose and wear flattering clothing that fits well
- Increased comfort in activities, with the ability to bend, stretch, and move without discomfort of creased or folded skin
- Improved hygiene due to reduced skin folds
Is the Corset Body Lift right for me?
Who is a good candidate?
The average Corset Body Lift candidate will notice the following concerns:
- Loose skin below the breasts, above the belly button, or along the flanks (sides)
- Abdominal scars
- Abdominal stretch marks
In addition to noticing these issues, good candidates should be generally healthy overall, including being at a healthy weight. However, when determining your candidacy, Dr. Moya will factor in the estimated weight of excess skin. This means that candidacy is not calculated based on criteria such as BMI alone.
How is the Corset Body Lift performed?
The Corset Body Lift is typically performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia. As a fairly comprehensive surgery, the procedure can take up to six hours or more to complete. Dr. Moya will make several carefully-placed incisions to remove excess skin and tissue while leaving as little visible scarring as possible. This typically includes incisions beneath the chest, down the center of the abdomen, and across the lower abdomen. The procedure is then completed using HARMONIC ultrasonic devices, which minimize bleeding and damage to the surrounding tissues.
Recovery after the Corset Body Lift
One benefit of Dr. Moya’s Corset Body Lift is that no surgical drains are used, which allows for a simpler recovery period. In some cases, an overnight hospital stay may be recommended for more extensive surgeries. Patients will notice swelling in the treatment area and will be instructed to wear compression garments. On average, the procedure requires about two to three weeks of downtime.
Learn more
To learn more about the Corset Body Lift, schedule a consultation with Dr. Moya at Lewisburg Plastic Surgery or visit his website,
Plastic Surgery 2018, Chicago, IL (ASPS)
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The Aesthetic Meeting 2013, New York City, NY (ASAPS) – Teaching course
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Breast Surgery and Body Contouring Symposium, Santa Fe, NW (ASAPS)
The Aesthetic Meeting 2011, Boston, MA (ASAPS) – Teaching course
The Aesthetic Meeting 2010, Washington, DC (ASAPS) – Video presentation
Breast Surgery and Body Contouring Symposium, Santa Fe, NM (ASAPS)
Plastic Surgery 2009, Seattle, WA (ASPS)
The Aesthetic Meeting 2009, Las Vegas, NV (ASAPS) – Abstract presentation
He was honored to receive the Sherrell J. Aston Award for his abstract presentation (Modified Optimal Yield Abdominoplasty: A “Corset” Approach to Comprehensive Abdominal and Lateral Trunk Contouring in the Massive Weight Loss Patient) at the ASAPS annual meeting in Las Vegas, NV in May 2009.