Neck Lift

While sometimes overlooked, the neck is one of the first places to display signs of aging. Thanks to sun exposure, frequent movement, and neglect with skincare, the neck often develops wrinkles and skin laxity. Poor muscle definition and sagging skin can also result in folds or poor definition of the jawline, causing a “double chin” or “turkey neck.” A neck lift surgery can transform this area, creating a youthful look and dramatic rejuvenation. In addition to a neck lift, the plastic surgeons at Lewisburg Plastic Surgery may recommend that patients pair their procedure with options such as a facelift, PrecisionTx, liposuction, or chin enlargement for more flattering results.

Who is a candidate for a neck lift?

Neck lift patients should be generally healthy overall before undergoing the surgery. This can be determined through a consultation when your plastic surgeon will review your health history in addition to your goals for the procedure. Patients choose a neck lift for a variety of reasons, which can include:

  • Excess wrinkles or creasing on the neck
  • Prominent vertical lines, “cords,” or “bands” on the neck
  • Skin laxity resulting in a “turkey wattle”
  • “Double chin”
  • Jowls
  • Poorly-defined jawline

Typically, neck lift patients are satisfied with the appearance of their face, leading them to choose the neck lift rather than a full facelift. This can be discussed during a consultation so your plastic surgeon can help you choose the best procedure for your needs.

Podcast Episode: Everything You Need to Know about Necklifts

Listen as Dr. Normington explains the difference between a Neck lift and a Facelift, and which patients are the best candidates.

More Podcast Episodes

Neck Contouring Options

At Lewisburg Plastic Surgery, we offer several neck contouring options suited to various needs so patients can achieve their ideal results.

A lower facelift addresses loose skin and tissues in both the lower cheeks and neck areas for more dramatic results. In this procedure, both the skin and deeper tissues are lifted to create a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance. Incisions are made in front of, below, and behind the ears and extend to the lower hairline. In addition, a small incision may be made below the chin.

A platysmaplasty, or neck tightening surgery, addresses only the loose tissues of the neck. This is a good option for patients primarily concerned about “cords” or “bands” in the neck. Platysmaplasty candidates typically have minimal sagging of the skin, as the procedure primarily targets deep tissues and does not remove loose or excess skin.

For patients who are primarily concerned about excess fat below the chin and throughout the neck, liposuction may also be a suitable option. This is best for those who have good skin elasticity.

HARMONIC Technology

At Lewisburg Plastic Surgery, Dr. Moya uses the HARMONIC technology for many procedures,
including neck lifts. This device uses ultrasonic vibrations to cut and cauterize tissues, rather than conventional instruments which use electrical currents. HARMONIC technology allows for
similar results with less damage to surrounding tissues. Dr. Moya’s patients therefore enjoy
reduced side effects such as bruising, swelling, and pain through the healing process. In some
cases, patients may also undergo their neck lift with HARMONIC technology under local
anesthesia, reducing overall risks.

How is a neck lift procedure performed?

Neck lifts are performed as outpatient procedures. Typically, the surgery is performed under general anesthesia, though some patients may have only local or IV sedation. During a consultation, your plastic surgeon will explain the specifics of your unique neck lift surgery.

Recovery after a neck lift

After a neck lift, patients may return home with a trusted family member, friend, or other caregiver who can drive them home from the surgical center. Neck dressings or an elastic sling will be in place, and your plastic surgeon will provide medication to reduce discomfort. Swelling and bruising are typically present and should resolve within a week or two. Most patients can see their final neck lift results about 1-3 months after their surgery.

Insurance Guidelines

A neck lift is considered a cosmetic procedure, so it is not generally covered by health insurance. A specific cost estimate for your procedure can be provided following your consultation at Lewisburg Plastic Surgery.

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